Wolfgang Newcomer, my fifth great grandfather, came to the United States from Switzerland with his parents, landing at Philadelphia in 1717. He was a Mennonite and a carpenter. He later moved to Leola, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, in 1749 where he took up farming. His farm site can still be found, and is still being farmed, by following the signs directing those interested to the birth site of Wolfgang’s son Christian. The farm is at today’s 353 Eby Road, Leola.
In searching the deed to the farm, Wolfgang is listed as the original patent applicant. However, Wolfgang’s father, Peter, left Peter’s farm to Wolfgang. Furthermore, Simeon King, who is shown as the owner of the neighboring farm was one of the witnesses to Peter’s will. I believe that this unusual sequence is due to Peter dying in 1732, before the process was completed, and Wolfgang became the applicant for the land.

The patent date is 8 February 1738. Originally, this seemed wrong, as the patent date should be last. However, now I think the key is the old Julian calendar, under which March was the first month (actually March 23rd was the first day of the new year) of the year. Under the Julian calendar, October comes before February. If I convert the Julian date to a modern Gregorian calendar date, 8 February 1738 becomes 19 February 1739. And, thus, the patent date is last in the process.
In February 1768, Wolfgang leased his farm to Jacob Hearsh and John Douglas for four years. Although Wolfgang’s will of 1771 left the farm to his son, Christian, my guess is that Wolfgang’s sons were not interested in operating the farm as they were all relocating to Washington County, Maryland. Christian was active in the early United Brethren Church as a circuit riding minister. Thus, Christian was not an active farmer, and he resided in Maryland. As Wolfgang was in failing health, Wolfgang was no longer able to operate the farm. Thus, leasing it to others made sense, until a sale could be arranged.
For the details on Wolfgang Newcomer and descendants, please go to my website in RootsMagic.